Monday, February 15, 2010

Places In Springfield Missouri To Get Prom Dresses Where Are Some Fun Places In Springfield Missouri?

Where are some fun places in Springfield Missouri? - places in springfield missouri to get prom dresses

Ok my family had just arrived in Springfield and my children want to go along with their grandparents. Where are some places of entertainment in Springfield MO for children between the ages of about 9 and 13?


Arthur said...

Bass Pro Shop would have employed some or all, for several days. Do not miss lunch Hemingway, the best brunch this side of Disney World.

Next door is a museum for the fantastic wildlife.

Fantastic Caverns was very clean as you travel through caverns towed in a wagon jeep. There are many caves around Springfield, all types of caves in Springfield, MO, and you will have the success you will be amazed.

Enjoy, my wife and myself.

Larry B said...

There are "entertainment" in Springfield, Missouri! In fact, no places of entertainment Misseeri, period!

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