Monday, January 4, 2010

Picture Wedding Announcements Who Do I Send Wedding Announcements To?

Who do I send wedding announcements to? - picture wedding announcements

The married daughter and her father and I divorced. I got married. We live outside the state of most of our family. His father refused to help pay for the wedding. His father and I have paid more with the use of the couple. I have friendly relations with the family of my ex despite the current problems with my ex-husband manages the children and the money in general. After the wedding announcements were printed with a photo of the bride and groom. I had printed such as: John and Mary Smith are pleased to announce the marriage of his daughter, Betty Jones, Bob Brown on. The rest of the conversation was the wherabouts and date, etc. When my daughter saw my guests asked her parents why the family was not in the show who I was included in the price and I explained that I paid for the ads and only intended to send my family and friends. So I said I wanted to send to his father's family if she could see a picture of her and her husband on their wedding day. I told him I thought it might open a Pandora's boxor a violation of feelings, because his father was not at the announcement and said he did not think it would not be at all offended. I am against my common sense and sent the map with about 25 photos from the wedding couldnt my ex-husband to visit their parents. I havent heard a word from them, whether they receive the images. My best friend said, they really respond to, and customs, as they are probably offended. I do not know if I contact if I explain to them, or just leave things alone! Help!


meatball's girl said...

It was the wedding of his daughter, and you and your ex-husband differences aside, his family is his family, regardless of the outstanding issues between you and him. Respect the wishes of his daughter when he wants to send his side of the family. If you are attacked, and from the hand. As I see it, unless you and your daughter have not been completely ruled out courtesy notice was sent and the environment. Do not worry, too.

meatball's girl said...

It was the wedding of his daughter, and you and your ex-husband differences aside, his family is his family, regardless of the outstanding issues between you and him. Respect the wishes of his daughter when he wants to send his side of the family. If you are attacked, and from the hand. As I see it, unless you and your daughter have not been completely ruled out courtesy notice was sent and the environment. Do not worry, too.

TotalRec... said...

Whatever. I personally believe that marriage announcements should not come from the bride and groom, the one who hosted the wedding.

Ask for a reply? Probably not. Maybe if you include the address of the couple, the letters of congratulations to the couple, but probably not. You rarely get an announcement, but always with friends the new address.

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